General information on Sibutramine Tablets in Italy
Sibutramine hydrochloride is a diet drug that is medically classified as an appetite suppressant. When combined with proper diet and exercise, users can take in considerably fewer calories than they burn off. Athletes have used this drug to help curb appetite, help weight and body fat loss.
Sibutramine Hydrochloride Dosage
Typically, the dose is taken in the morning at 10 milligrams (MGS) per day, with or without food. If the results are not adequate during the first 4 weeks, the user can increase the dose up to 15mgs per day.
Sibutramine Hydrochloride Side Effects
Side effects of sibutramine hydrochloride include high blood pressure and increased heart rate when using this drug. Other side effects include dry mouth, nausea, stomach problems, insomnia, dizziness, headache, and joint / muscle pain. Insomnia and nervousness are the most common ailments found on the bodybuilding forum.
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