General information on SustinexTM in Italy
The drug is administered 1-3 hours before sexual intercourse. It is used to treat premature ejaculation in men between the ages of 18 and 64. It doesnt matter if the person takes the drug with their meal or without it. Some people can tolerate the drug well and therefore a higher dose can be given to them otherwise sustinex 30 is a safe dose that can be prescribed by a doctor or physician. Buy sustinex 30 must be purchased from licensed and trusted pharmacists. It must be kept out of the reach of other family members especially children and pregnant women. Ejaculating earlier than usual in sexual intercourse can be a very embarrassing situation for some men. The drug helps to solve the problem.
Features SustinexTM in Italy
Sustinex 30 provides a simple and effective solution to this problem. sexual dysfunction or premature ejaculation occurs when the male neurological response in the pelvic muscle is fast enough. In this way, men can satisfy their partners in better ways. The effective dose: 30 mg Uses: Used in the treatment of premature ejaculation to control your ejaculation
Interaction with other drugs in Italy
Side effects: Heart failure Conduction abnormalities Significant ischemic heart disease Significant valvular disease
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