General information on testosterona E in Italy
Testosterona It is a long estered testosterone-based anabolic steroid. It contains the Enanthate ester is used in medicine as a treatment for hormonal replacement problems caused by hormonal eunuchoid testosterone deficiency or impotence. Bodybuilders and athletes use it to build muscle and gain strength. Often testosterone E is considered to be the basis for most all steroid cycles. The average half-life of anabolic steroids is 4-5 days. Testosterone Enanthate is anabolic and androgenic that offers dramatic gains in muscle mass, body strength, stamina, performance and sexual desire and libido. Promotes maximum fat burning and promotes recovery from injuries after training.
Characteristics testosterona E in Italy
Testosterona E by Balkan Pharmaceuticals improves red blood cell levels and has superior oxygen carrying capacity by promoting greater nitrogen retention in the muscle. The testosterone compound is usually filled with anabolic steroids and Clenbuterol, Dianabol, Deca, Anavar, Equipoise, and Primobolan. Average Dose: Men 300-800 mg per week, women – small or recommended doses to be avoided. A testosterone enanthate cycle usually lasts around 10 weeks. The drug Enanthate test can be combined with other drugs, in order to find out how to do it, study the specialized site.
Buy testosterona E
As part of the post therapy cycle after use testosterone E, anti-estrogens such as Clomid, Arimidex or Nolvadex may be required. Side effects: increased serum cholesterol, irregular menstrual cycles, painful erection, vomiting, nausea, back acne, high blood pressure, aggression and general virilizing effects.
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