General information on Turanabol Tablets in Italy
With a colorful history and a certain mystique left on it, Turinabol is certainly one of the most fascinating steroids on the market today. Initially released in 1965 by East German pharmaceutical company Jenepharm, Turinabol was the end result of a successful attempt to separate the anabolic androgenic qualities of oral AAS. At the time of its release, it was considered a good achievement. Indeed, coupled with its rapid rate of play, this was one of the characteristics that later prompted East Germany to use this steroid in its widespread and well-known doping program. With its weak androgenic properties and moderate anabolic effect, it could be used by both male and female athletes without raising an immediate red flag; a benefit East Germany did not hesitate to exploit (although masculinization was undeniable long-term female users). While this systematic doping program was in place, which lasted from 1968 to 1989, it was employed by around 10,000 athletes with great success. The competitive record of the East Germans during that time testifies to the effectiveness of the drug.
Features Turanabol Tablets in Italy
By 1980, this steroid was in widespread use among BB’rs and powerlifters throughout Europe and, to a lesser extent, in America. After his discontinuation of drug sourcing it became difficult and within a relatively short period of time, it disappeared completely from the market. Like many other steroids previously available, it seemed as if Turinabol had gone the way of the dinosaurs. This all changed with the rise of UGL, which slowly began reintroducing the drug back to the market. In doing so, this generation was provided with the opportunity to experience what was once the most popular drug doping sport ever invented. Turinabol, also known as 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, is technically a fusion of 4 chlorotestosterone and Methandrostanolone (Dianabol). The drug is not capable of aromatization, nor does it exhibit progestagenic side effects. Users shouldnt expect dramatic increases in size or strength when using Turinabol. Rather, it provides a slow, quality buildup of lean muscle tissue. Its strength lies in its ability to induce moderate gains with minimal side effects.
Effects of taking Turanabol Tablets in Italy
With a very low androgenic rating of 6, its impact in this area is almost non-existent. This makes it an excellent compound for women who wish to avoid masculinization. However, as with any steroid, the risk of side effects increases at higher dosages. In terms of appearance, Oral Turinabol promotes a hard, dry look similar to cutting steroids such as Halotestin, Winstrol, and Trenbolone, although the effect is not as dramatic. While its characteristics make it ideal as a cutter, it can also be effectively used during the low season, when the accumulation of lean tissue is the goal.
Interaction with other drugs in Italy
Unlike pure cutters like Anavar and Winstrol, which typically add very little body weight, T-bol tends to ride the middle ground as a mass builder. Weight gains are generally mild, although more pronounced than in the oral tests above.
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