Klenprime 60

Klenprime 60


Manufacturer: Eminence Labs
Substance: Clenbuterol
Package: 60 mcg / tab. (50 tab.)


General information on Hotbol in Italy

Clenbuterol is a widely used bronchodilator. This drug is often available in 20 mcg tablets, but can also be found in the form of a syrup or solution for injection. Clenbuterol belongs to a large group of drugs known as sympathomimetics. These funds act on the sympathetic nervous system in different ways, mainly through the distribution of the adrenergic receptor. In the human body there are 9 different types of these receptors, which are named according to the classification of alpha or beta etc plus the corresponding number. Depending on the particular sensitivity of these substances to different receptors, they can be successfully used for the treatment of diseases such as asthma, hypertension, heart failure, arrhythmia, migraine and anaphylactic shock.

Purchase Hotbol

Clenbuterol drug is a selective beta-2 sympathomimetic, primarily affecting only one of three beta receptor subtypes. Interesting is the fact that this drug is a minor beta-1 stimulant. Due to the fact that beta-1 receptor is closely associated with cardio-active clenbuterol, this drug reduces reversible violation of ventilation (and the effect of beta-2 stimulation), and side effects of cardiovascular actions unselected beta substances . Clinical study of the action of this drug suggests that it is a very effective bronchodilator that has virtually no negative patient reviews. Clenbuterol also the half-life in the body is quite long and is around 34 hours. This facilitates the process of achieving the necessary level of the drug in the body, that is, it is enough to accept once or twice a day. All this makes it convenient for patients and it is easy to agree on his appointment. In animal experiments, it has been observed that the anabolic activity of Clenbuterol shows that it would be very interesting for athletes. We know that this drug is thermogenic and beta-2 substances act directly on fat cells and accelerate the breakdown of triglycerides to form free fatty acids. This makes Clenbuterol very attractive to athletes, and today it is still done before the competition.

Effects of taking Hotbol in Italy

Concerned athletes often hope that this drug will contribute to the destruction of increased strength fat and muscle mass. Usually in a cycle dose is gradually increased every day to achieve the desired result. Therefore, to minimize the possibility of Clenbuterol side effects, they can be very serious if you immediately start taking the drug in large quantities. Men often stop for 2-8 tablets a day, although there is information that a higher dose is tolerated by the body. Women take less: 2-4 tablets per day. This drug very quickly raises the body temperature, but not much, usually one or more half a degree, sometimes a little more. This is because your body is getting excess energy (largely from fat) and this condition is not very pleasant.

Interaction with other drugs in Italy

To date, it is believed that Clenbuterol can be used depending on the athletes purpose. Clearly the results of this drug are evident only for a limited period of time and then gradually disappear, mainly due to the action of lowering beta receptors. If using Clenbuterol for fat loss is the main purpose of the drug, then it works in this direction for around 4-6 weeks. During this period, it is necessary to control the temperature of the body, as Clenbuterol works by increasing the temperature. As soon as the temperature drops to normal, this means that the drug does not act as a means of generating heat. At this point, it is not necessary to increase the dosage, but must take a break for a few weeks to achieve the desired effect again. If you are interested in improving muscle strength characteristics, Clenbuterol is also a shorter time frame in this case – about 3-4 weeks.

Features Features XXX in Italy in Italy

Many athletes believe that the fat burning effect of Clenbuterol can be improved by taking additional medications. In combination with the thyroid hormone, in particular the Cytomel limitation, the thermogenic effect can be very pronounced. This can help athletes get rid of excess fat when preparing for a race, without reducing the number of calories in food. This combination of drugs can be used in the future in a steroid cycle to gain muscle relief. These fat burning drugs can significantly slow down the fat storage process over the course of a cycle, even if you take a strong aromatic androgen set. The combination of clenbuterol and thyroid hormone is usually taken with HGH to improve the thermogenic and anabolic effect of this therapy.


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