


Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Substance: Clomiphene Citrate
Package: 50 mg / tab. (50 tab.)


General information on Terpafen 50 in Italy

Clomid is the common brand of reference for the drug clomiphene citrate. It is not an anabolic steroid, but a drug generally prescribed to women as a fertility aid. This is due to the fact that clomiphene citrate has a pronounced ability to stimulate ovulation. This is achieved by blocking / minimizing the effects of estrogen in the body. To be more specific, ClomidВ is chemically a synthetic estrogen with both agonist / antagonist properties, and is very similar in structure and action to NolvadexВ. In some target tissues it can block the ability of estrogen to bind to its corresponding receptor. Its clinical use is therefore to oppose negative estrogen feedback on the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis, which increases the release of LH and FSH. This, of course, can help induce ovulation.

The effects of taking Terpafen 50 in Italy

For sporting purposes, ClomidВ does not offer a huge benefit for women. In men on the other hand, the elevation of both follicle stimulating hormone and (especially) luteinizing hormone will cause natural testosterone production to increase. This effect is particularly beneficial for the athlete at the end of a steroid cycle when endogenous testosterone levels are depressed. If endogenous testosterone levels are not brought Beck to normal, a loss in size and strength is likely to occur once the anabolics are removed. This is due to the fact that without testosterone (or other androgens), the catabolic hormone cortisol becomes the dominant force affecting muscle protein synthesis (rapidly causing catabolic metabolism).

Buy Terpafen 50

Often referred to as the post-steroid slump, he can eat much of his newly acquired muscle quickly. ClomidВ can play a vital role in preventing this crash in athletic performance. As for women, the only real use for ClomidВ is the possible management of endogenous estrogen levels near the time of the competition. This can increase fat loss and muscularity, particularly in female problem areas like this hips and thighs. ClomidВ however often produces troubling side effects in women (discussed below), and is also not in great demand among this group of athletes.


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